Liverpool IoP Highlights
Last week I and many of my group attended the Institute of Physics joint High Energy Physics, Astroparticle Physics, and Nuclear Physics Conference in Liverpool. I was honoured to be asked to give a plenary talk to the whole conference on the subject of quantum computing in nuclear structure. My colleague in the UK nuclear theoretical physics community, Jacek Dobaczewski from the University of York, took this picture of me as I talked:
I hope my talk was sufficiently understandable and useful to people across all the communities present. I got some kind comments afterwards, so that’s encouraging.
As well as me talking, my students Grant and Sam did a great job in the poster sessions, my student Isaac and my postdocs Bharti and Abhishek gave talks in the parallel sessions. As usual, the event included a conference dinner, which was in a hotel on the riverfront in Liverpool, which was a nice social event, though with young children in my house, my usual hours of being away do not extend to the 11pm I got to bed that day!