New Paper in Phys. Lett. B

1 minute read


A new paper appeared today in Physics Letters B, here, which features the work of now-graduated PhD student Iain Lee, on friction in heavy ion reactions. The reaction studied was 16O + 92Zr, prompted by a previous experimental study which suggested that the reaction mechanism was notably different to that of 16O + 90Zr because of the higher density of states caused by the two neutrons outside of the closed shell. I got involved in the calculations by providing some time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations to see what this kind of microscopic approach said about the rate of developement of the neck during fusion. One unusual aspect of this paper is that it was submitted less than two weeks ago. The editors sent it out for review extremely quickly, and referee comments came back quickly. They were serious comments and the referee had clearly read the paper well, and was an expert in the area. My colleauge Alexis, who was the coresponding author, worked on the response straight away, and the editor and referee accepted the response, meaning that the paper was accepted within a week, and has since apperaed (as an uncorrected proof) today, less than two weeks since submission.
I have never experienced such a quick process in publishing a scientific research paper!

Here’s a sample image from the paper - in some sense the headline result, showing that the presence of friction improves the calculation of the barrier distribution:

barrier distribution