Group updates Feb 2025
Here are some recent updates from our research group, since my last update here in September:
• Lance Li, author of the paper mentioned in my last post finished his PhD, submitted it, and is now working with us as a post-doc, working on quantum computing aspects of angular momentum coupling, to help understand the extent to which it makes sense to ask a quantum computer to do the labour of an $m$-scheme or $j$-scheme shell model calculation
• Joe Gibbs’ paper (with me and Zoë Holmes from EPFL Lausanne) on nuclear physics wave function ansatzes for quantum computing that I mentioned when we submittied it to the arXiv has now been published as [Quantum Mach. Initell. 7, 14 (2025)][].
• Grant Close, a PhD student I second-supervise with Alexis Diaz-Torres has submitted a preprint to the arXiv with his calculations of carbon-carbon burning in stellar environments, using miscroscopic physics in all aspects of the calculation and showing the importance of allowing fully general geometrical pathways for the reacting nuclei: Preprint at ArXiv:2502:11240
• A new paper appeared last week in Physical Review Letters: Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 062502 (2025) which deals with experimental observation of low-lying excited states in 208Pb. My colleague Esra Yüksel and our (now ex-)postdoc Abhishek contributed to the theoretical intepretation of the results, and hence are co-authors.